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Upskilling opportunities as a mum


At the end of maternity leave many women can feel torn between going back to work or becoming a stay at home mum. Many battle the idea of going back to work to pay for nursery fees and then decide it's not actually worth it; by the time they've paid the costs for preschool, many are left with very little else in their bank account! However, many also find themselves at a loose end once their babies have settled into patterns of feeding and sleeping, and quickly begin rummaging around for old work clothes, brushing up their knowledge, and separating the newly worn out mum from the former career woman.


For some, maternity leave gives them the time they need to realise their career isn’t what they want any longer, some can't wait to get back into the workplace and a job they love, but others loose confidence in themsleves and their abilities, and wonder how they are going to settle back into their role after a fair amount of time away. On the contrast, many women are used to being mentally stimulated, some are used to working in fast-paced environments and adapting to mat leave can be difficult, taking a toll on their self belief.


However, there is something nearly all mums can benefit from, not only for their knowledge and intellect, but also for their self belief and confidence, and that is focusing their spare time on studying and gaining new skills through online courses that offer flexible learning. Upskilling from home can keep the mind ticking over whilst a new mum prepares to return to work. Enhanced skills would make an impressive addition to a CV, and may also help keep a new mum busy during long periods when baby is sleeping or feeding.


For us mum's it's about finding the right balance and happiness for us and our families. Doing something for oursleves that brings us deep happiness and satisfaction, but also ensuring our families are content. Learning something new, or furthering existing skills is not only a way that 'we' as mums can feel like we have another purpose, but we also get to feel the benefits and satisafaction that comes with achieveing something new - knowing that we can do it, no matter what our situation!


So whatever your circumstance may be, (and whilst we all have time on our hands due to COVID-19) it's time to get learning! You might find after completing a course that you want to set up a business from home, you might decide you'd like to get a part-time job, or go back into the workplace, you might decide you're happy being a stay at home mum - but how will you ever really know unless you give it a go. During this uncertain time, why not offer yourself the opportunity to learn something new. Many course providers are offering FREE fully funded flexible learning courses. These courses are distance learning qualifications, allowing you to gain skills without having to attend a classroom. Upon completon you'll receive a Level 2 nationally recognised qualification - check you!! 


The best bit for us mums?  There are over 40+ courses to choose from, covering key sectors and topics, including Business Administration, Nutrition & Health, Digital Skills and lots more! 


Do this for you, and see how proud it makes you feel! Check out a range of free courses here - https://lcgonline.formstack.com/forms/level_2_course_enrolment?referral=rubytuesday.willetts@learningcurvegroup.co.uk